Avatar FanArt: Ba Sing Se

It's time for my yearly fanart! This time I'm re-imagining a set of fan-arts I created for Avatar: The Last Airbender about 6 years ago now. It was also an opportunity to see my artistic development over the past 6 years or so. Crazy!

When I looked at Ba Sing Se, I wanted to flesh out the train system and one of its hubs a little more. The idea with this one being that the trains would enter underneath the surface of the station and there'd be numerous platforms and facilities inside the largely stepped podium that the train station sits atop of.

Thought it'd be fitting (or hopefully helpful to other artists) to show the comparison to my 2014 version and this updated one.

Thought it'd be fitting (or hopefully helpful to other artists) to show the comparison to my 2014 version and this updated one.