Avatar FanArt: Fire Nation Dry Dock

It's time for my yearly fanart! This time I'm re-imagining a set of fan-arts I created for Avatar: The Last Airbender about 6 years ago now. It was also an opportunity to see my artistic development over the past 6 years or so. Crazy!

The Fire Nation always resembled the start of the industrial revolution for me, so I felt it was fitting to create an image that celebrated its iconic naval ships. Looking at old dockyard photographs I designed this space with inspiration from old images of the Mitsubishi dockyard in Nagasaki.

Also thanks to Jack Jones, David Tilton, and Tyler Thull for the feedback and discussions around this one!

Thought it'd be fitting (or hopefully helpful to other artists) to show the comparison to my 2014 version and this updated one.

Thought it'd be fitting (or hopefully helpful to other artists) to show the comparison to my 2014 version and this updated one.