Decided to revisit the Taxmen and just tinker with their design due to the requirements slightly changing. This was also an exploration into producing an easier way to include them in future BELOW THE SALT pieces. I took the original design and recreated it inside blender and by adding in basic materials and using a calamari rig to pose them I am able to put together a rough and ready scene thats pretty straightforward to paint over. So all in all, a great experiment!

Splitting the mesh into "calamari segments" that I can then manually pose or upload to Mixamo enables me to get a great base to throw into a renderer like Octane to kickstart a painting in a great way

Splitting the mesh into "calamari segments" that I can then manually pose or upload to Mixamo enables me to get a great base to throw into a renderer like Octane to kickstart a painting in a great way